class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Baby one more time
Reproducibility in R and when to pull in the big guns
Lavinia Gordon, UMCCR
--- # Acknowledging R-Ladies Melbourne for the invitation to speak R-Ladies community - welcoming and inclusive <img src="images/rladies_global.png" width="1672" /> --- <!-- --> The University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research, [Genomics Platform Group]( Focus - better detection of changes in cancer genomes --- # Why reproducibility? -- <img src="images/no_to_reproducibility.png" width="1036" /> (HT [Thibaut Jombart]( --- # First goal of this talk! -- <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><a href=""></a></blockquote> -- **reproducible** and **reuseable** and **transparent** --- background-image: url("") background-position: 50% 50% class: center, inverse # Second goal of this talk! Inspired and confident to dive in! --- # Assumptions * You are using RStudio (Integrated Developer Environment) * You have heard of git * Familiar with HTML and CSS --- class: center, inverse, middle # The evolution of reproducibility in R --- <style type="text/css"> @import url(; </style> # In the beginning, there was LaTeX <span style="font-family:Permanent Marker">In the early 1980's, LaTex was released. [Latex]( is a document preparation system. Plain text + markup = defined structure (article, letter, bibliography) -- Perfect for those who **really** care about typeface: _`Kerning is the process of selectively adjusting the spacing between letters pairs to improve the overall appearance of text.`_ --- # In the beginning, there was Sweave Early 2000's, along came Sweave. A function that enables integration of R code into LaTex documents -- The purpose is [_"to create dynamic reports, which can be updated automatically if data or analysis change"._]( -- 1. Run each R script -- 2. Then run latex -- 3. then run bibtex -- 4. then run latex again -- 5. generates a pdf --- # In the beginning, there was GNU GNU * Create a [makefile]( <img src="images/makefile.png" width="50%" /> -- * type *make* -- * make will only rebuild anything that has been altered -- * [first true example]( of reproducible research --- # Sweave is dead, long live knitr! knitr is Sweave reborn! -- * knitr - packing in the goodness of Sweave alongside readable code -- * knitr uses Rmarkdown, a set of intuitive human-readable code for formatting -- * knitr supports many languages - Python, [Julia](, C++, SQL -- * knitr can produce html, pdf, and word -- * Rmarkdown has a restricted set of commands, no way to create custom commands, however custom LaTeX can be included --- # Rmarkdown, easy peasy lemon squeezy Rmarkdown = documentation language (.md) + programming language (R), combined (knitted) with knitr -- Three main sections: * YAML header * code chunks * markdown text --- # [YAML]( (rhymes with “camel”) YAML is human-friendly, cross language, text. This block allows you to fine-tune the output of your document. YAML metadata allows for: - TOC, tabbed sections, theme, highlight - allows for custom CSS - can evaluate R expressions, e.g. Sys.time() --- # [Code chunks]( *three backticks{r chunk_name, options}* *code!* *three backticks* -- * include (FALSE) - prevents code and results from appearing * echo (FALSE) - include results (e.g. figures) but exclude the code * message (FALSE) - prevents messages generated by code from appearing * warning (FALSE) - as above but for warnings * fig.cap - add captions to graphics --- # Rmarkdown File -> New File -> R Markdown Chunks: * Infrastructure - environment (e.g. libraries), loading data, defining analysis parameters * Wrangling - code to transform data * Communication - e.g. data visualization, summary tables --- # Rmarkdown - best practices -- * Do not hardcode paths! - use [here]( -- * Do not hardcode values! - use parameters -- * Do not do everything in Rmarkdown (e.g. database queries) -- * [Do not litter!]( -- * Reduce duplication with functions --- # Reversible reproducible <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><a href=""></a></blockquote> --- # Report - example from UMCCR <iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe> --- # Producing a book(down) -- “If you can type words, you can use bookdown” -@CivicAngela, RLadiesChicago -- (yay!) write and publish a book -- (boo!) tables can be ugly! -- (boo!) collaboration can be hard --- # [Bookdown]( <img src="" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <img src="" width="15%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> # Going one step further -- ## Why do we like workflowr? Helps scientists organise their research in a way that promotes: - reproducibility - collaboration/sharing of results - effective project management -- Combines literate programming **and** version control -- A website, containing **documented**, **time-stamped** and **versioned** results. --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-code { font-size: 17px; } </style> # workflowr in a nutshell -- Tip - don't start with the "Quick Start" Instead begin with -- ```r library(workflowr) wflow_git_config( = "yourGitHub_username", = "youremailaddress") wflow_start("MyProject") # this creates the directory structure # 2 key folders: # analysis/ - holds the .Rmd files # docs/ - holds the .html files and any generated figures # # data/ - for raw data files # code/ - for additional code, e.g. for pre-processing the data # output/ - for code results ``` --- # workflowr in a nutshell (cont.) ```r wflow_view() wflow_build() # makes the .html files from the .Rmd files wflow_view() wflow_status() wflow_publish(c("analysis/index.Rmd", "analysis/about.Rmd", "analysis/license.Rmd"), "Publish the initial files for MyProject") wflow_status() wflow_use_github("yourGitHub_username", "MyProject") # create the GitHub repository MyProject wflow_git_push(dry_run = TRUE) # ok?! wflow_git_push() # do some stuff wflow_build() # makes the .html files from the .Rmd files wflow_view() wflow_status() wflow_publish(c("analysis/index.Rmd", "analysis/about.Rmd", "analysis/license.Rmd"), "Publish the initial files for MyProject") wflow_status() wflow_git_push(dry_run = TRUE) # ok?! wflow_git_push() ``` --- # why workflowr * Creates a structured directory (consistency!, yay!) (keeps data, methods and outputs separate) -- * Diffability - the ability to see how an analysis has changed over time -- * Git for the petrified! -- Note that **only** workflowr RMD files can sit in the `analysis` folder. Once you are comfortable with the basics, got nuts with customisation. e.g. --- # Building on the foundations -- <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><a href=""></a></blockquote> -- **streamline your code:** - [packrat]( - create and manage sets of packages - portable, isolated and reproducible. - [usethis]( - automate common tasks, `use_blank_slate`, `use_git`, `use_github`, `use_travis` - [lintr]( - static code analysis --- # Building on the foundations (lintr) <img src="" width=70%> --- # Building on the foundations **Maximise your use of RStudio:** * 1 project, 1 folder (File -> New Project -> New Directory -> New Project) * Self contained and portable * Working directory set to root of project on launch * Fresh session everytime the project is launched -- **Use community-recognised structures:** - .R scripts in scripts/ - tests in tests/ -- **make for R** - [drake]( - a pipeline toolkit for R - avoids running from scratch + uses high-performance computing - builds a dependency graph! --- # Building on the foundations **Check your data**: - use [assertr]( - verify assumptions about the data, spot data errors! - [datamaid]( _an R-package created by impatient data analysts for impatient data analysts that want to get on with their data analyses already_ - [janitor]( - clean up dirty data -- **Making data accessible**: sharing tidy, standardized, reproducible data sets for publications and collaborations can be challenging! - [DataPackageR]( - [piggyback]( - attach files (up to 2gig) to a GitHub release - also [rdrop2]( [rboxr]( -- **Link everything up to CI**: - [testthat]( - make unit tests that will run automatically through a continuous integration platform - [pRojects]( - all projects setup with Git and Travis by default --- # Building on the foundations **Isolate your computing environment**: Docker - [containerit]( - given a script/session/workspace or git repo, will generate a Dockerfile - Project Jupyter - [repo2docker]( - fetch a repo, build a container image With a docker file, you can use [BinderHub]( launch a live notebook from any GitHub repo -- a user can run your code -- make some changes -- see the results for themselves --- # BinderHub demo <iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe> --- # R in production - *it will work just fine ...* (HT @_ColinFay) -- Defining production: _"Software environments that are used and relied on by real users with real consequences if things go wrong"_ _"Production is anything that is run repeatedly and that the business relies on"_ -- * No real/private/patient data in dev environments -- * Dev is **not** for long-term or stable work, could be wiped at any time -- * Production is real data, stable services/tools/workflows, tight(er) access control --- # R in production * documented * with tests * list dependencies * work everywhere --- #The biggest of the big data in R Use a [RStudio Amazon Machine Image]( -- **Machine learning:** * Java 8 JRE enabling full support for H2O and Spark * CUDA and cuDNN preinstalled * Immediate support for EC2 P2 GPU instances, supporting acceleration of [Tensorflow]( and [Keras]( -- <span style = 'font-size: 70%;'> `install.packages("tensorflow")` `library("tensorflow")` `install_tensorflow(version = "gpu")` </span><BR><BR> <span style = 'font-size: 70%;'> `install.packages("keras")` `library("keras")` `install_keras(tensorflow = "gpu")` </span> --- #The biggest of the big data in R * SSD storage (faster, zero IO costs, cheap!) * pre-installed MCMC samplers - (Stan and JAGS) * Optimised BLAS for automatically faster matrix operations than base R libraries (OpenBLAS). -- **Using AWS:** * Via the [AWS Management Console]( -- * EC2 -- * Community instance (RStudio) -- * Configure Security Group [port 8787]( -- * Paste the public DNS (IPv4) link into a new tab! --- # AWS tips 1. [use a bastion account]( -- 2. pay attention to [IAM]( -- 3. log into EC2 instances via the [AWS SSM Session Manager]( - no SSH key handling and fully audited. -- 4. Programmable, **repeatable** infrastructure - infrastructure as code (IaC) - helps with resource management and tracking changes. <img src="" width="30%" /> --- # The abc of presentations *Cool kids will dump their xaringan slides online and never bring a usb stick to their group meetings.* - [Yihui Xie]( -- - Create a new repository in GitHub: *my_awesome_R_talk* (share the love, make it public) -- - Clone -- - Open RStudio in this repo -- - Install the **xaringan** package from [Github]( ```r devtools::install_github("yihui/xaringan") ``` -- - Create a new R Markdown document from the menu `File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From Template -> Ninja Presentation` -- - Click the `Knit` button to compile it; -- - `git status, git add, git commit -m, git push` -- - GitHub -> Settings -> GitHub Pages --- # Resources * For learning xaringan, massive thanks to Allison Hill: - great intro --- <img src="" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />